Concord, CA 94524

Frequently Asked Questions

False alarms waste city and police resources, as well as taxpayer dollars. Additionally, they endanger public safety by diverting law enforcement from responding to actual criminal activity. Ordinance Chapter 701 addresses the responsibilities of homeowners and business owners with alarms. Visit for more information.

Ordinance 701.01 (B) (8):  "False alarm" means an alarm system signal or message eliciting an urgent response by the Fire and/or Police Department when no evidence of burglary, fire, medical emergency, smoke, unauthorized intrusion, vandalism, or a situation requiring such response exists. An alarm that was activated because of testing or repair shall not be considered as a false alarm if prior notification was given the day of testing or repair to the Fire and/orPolice Department.

Yes. If you have an active alarm system, monitored or audible, you are required under Rocky River Ordinance to have a registered alarm. If you have multiple alarm systems, each alarm system must be registered.

Yes. Each alarm system is required to have updated information.  A change in home ownership requires a new permit to be registered in the new owner’s name.

Yes. Each alarm system is required to have updated information.  A change in business ownership requires a newpermit to be registered in the new owner’s name. 

The Alarm Permit is a perpetual license and does not need a renewal.

There is no charge for the initial permit registration.

The Alarm Permit is a perpetual license and does not need a renewal.

For registered alarm permit holders, false alarms are charged after the 3rd false alarm has been received. For non-registered, non-permitted alarms, false alarms are charged after the 1st false alarm.

For registered alarm permits, the first 3 false alarms in a 365 day period will not be charged. The 4th, 5th, and 6th alarms in a 365 day period will be billed at $50 each. The 7th and subsequent false alarms will be billed at $75 each. For non-registered, non-permitted alarms, each false alarm will warrant a notice to obtain an alarm permit. Additionally, the first false alarm in a 365 day period will not be charged. The 2nd and 3rd false alarms in a 365 day period will be billed at $75 each. Each additional false alarm will be billed at $100 each. 

Yes. A permit is required for the installation of an alarm system as required in the Building Code, Residential Code, Fire Prevention Code and the Codified Ordinances of the City. Rocky River City Ordinance Chapter 701 explains alarm requirements. 

Ordinance 701.99 explains: Whoever violates any provision of this Chapter shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor for the first offense. Whoever violates any provision of this Chapter shall be guilty of a fourth degree misdemeanor for the second offense or subsequent offenses. 


*Submit a written request/statement as to why you feel the charge and/or occurrence should be waived or removed from your account, along with any supporting documentation (police reports, alarm company documentation, etc).

*Submit via email using the Contact Us page.

*Be sure to include Permit License #, alarm location address, and incident date(s) in question. 

*Submit within fifteen (15) calendar days of the notice imposing the charge.

If there is no longer active alarm service in your name at this location please notify us in writing by sending an email to with the date of cancellation and the alarm company of record.